zodiac empowerment
- zodiacs are the animal symbols that represent associated abilities
- there are several books about the zodiacs in Chinese astrology and there is a symbol called the ''yin and yang'' that represents the balance between good and evil,heaven and earth
- each zodiac has great abilities, and ''with great power,there is great responsibility
zodiac symbols and abilities and other zodiacs
- Dragon: power of combustion inducement
- Snake:power of invisibility
- Horse:power of healing
- monkey:power of animal transformation and physiology and possese zodiac powers.
- sheep:power of astral projection
- rooster:power of levitation
- tiger: power of yin and yang manipulation
- rat:power of animation
- ox:power of super strength
- pig:power of heat vision
- dog:power of immortality,too bad Greek gods,pray to the dogs for giving you immortality.
- rabbit:power of super speed,sorry flash your not the only one who's fast.
there are 2 more types of astrology i forgot to show, the western and Celtic which have powers mankind can not control and comprehend.
- maybe involuntary at times
- some powers are limited,use them wisely
- may size an issue
- takes time to control
- your zodiac powers may be limited
since i ,Deon ferrer ,i have multiple zodiac symbols that can destroy the earth which makes me kind of a half blood because i have zodiac powers that came my parents who are the yin yang zodiacs.it may be you,you will never know what you are capable of